2013 Revolution

President Sisi highlights Gaza war, price increases on June 30 Revolution anniversary

Sun, 30 Jun 2024 - 10:47 GMT

He said the humanity’s conscience has been absent and international community has turned a blind eye to the tens of thousands of innocent victims, displaced and afflicted

Remembering 3 July 2013 roadmap that changed Egypt’s political future

Sun, 02 Jul 2023 - 06:45 GMT

10 years ago, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, then-defense minister of Egypt, announced the ousting of Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated President, after a year in power, as per the calls of millions of protesters.

Sisi on 2013 Revolution anniv.: Fully confident Egypt will overcome impact of current int’l crises

Thu, 30 Jun 2022 - 10:16 GMT

In a speech on Thursday, Sisi said he is fully confident that Egypt will also “continue its path uninterrupted toward building the developed state, stable and vibrant society,” noting that these are the big hopes that the Egyptian people aspire to.

Egyptian army backed people’s 2013 revolution to ‘rebuild nation’

Mon, 29 Jun 2020 - 10:29 GMT

Egypt’s defense minister congratulated the president on the anniversary of June 30 Revolution in 2013, hailing the “revolution of the great people of Egypt,” which was backed by the Armed Forces.
