Rasheed National Museum
This comes within the plan of the Museums Sector of the Supreme Council of Antiquities to engage visitors with the countless national events.
The exhibition is held under the supervision of the Museums Sector and the Islamic and Coptic Antiquities Sector of the Supreme Council of Antiquities.
The workshops aim to activate the museum’s role in communicating with society, spreading archaeological awareness, and developing the skills and capabilities of students.
The museum includes collectibles and models that highlight the struggle of the people of Rashid and the battles they fought against the French and English colonialists.
Rasheed National Museum organizes four educational workshops for students and alumni of the faculties of Archeology, and Tourism and Hotels, through distance education using the Microsoft Teams platform.
Director General of the museum Saeed Rakha, said that the visit included the various halls of the museum, noting that the delegation expressed their admiration for the distinguished tour.