False News
An Egyptian law re-organizing the General Meteorological Authority stipulated that the act of publishing incorrect information related to the weather conditions on social media or any other means, will be punishewd by a fine of not less than L.E. 50,000, and not more than L.E. 5 million.
Three days ago, the German Foreign Ministry released a statement, calling the Egyptian government to ensure “to ensure that Mr El-Baqer receives a fair trial and is released, along with his co-defendants Alaa Abdel Fattah and Mohamed Ibrahim.”
Egyptian top prosecutor Hamada al-Sawi on Sunday ordered continuing investigations with Egyptian researcher Patrick Zaky, who was arrested once he arrived at the Cairo International Airport from Italy over disseminating fake news.
Egyptian Foreign Ministry voiced Egypt’s categorical rejection of the Turkish official comments on the Egyptian “legal procedures” taken by authorities against an “illegal” Turkish digital platform that worked to spread “false” news about the situation in
The statement comes amid false information about the military circulated on social media pages claiming affiliation with the Armed Forces.
Egyptian television network EXTRA News broadcasted an in-depth video on Sept. 22, portraying how the world Zionists helped establish Qatar based Al-Jazeera network, exposing the relentless and desperate efforts it exerts in broadcasting false news regardi
Assem Abdel Maguid is one of the Brotherhood leaders’ fugitives, who continued to incite violence against the country.
The rumors included collecting daily fees from students, and that students would have to bear the cost of their exams' papers.
Similar laws are under study in France, Brazil, Kenya, and Egypt.
Social media accounts and blogs will be officially categorized as “media outlets”.
Qatari-based news network Al Jazeera falsely broadcast media reports about mass protests in Mostafa Mahmoud Square in Cairo with the aim of spreading chaos.
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