Minister of Education and Technical Education Mohamed Abdellatif hailed the outstanding cooperation between Egypt and Japan, especially in pre-university education.
Karim al-Masri was supposed to start his final exams on Saturday morning, just a few weeks shy of graduating. Instead, he spent his morning filling bags of water to freeze into ice, which he sold to support his family.
Egypt has worked over the past years to improve the educational system for technical education in Egyptian universities.
President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi announced Tuesday that Tahya Misr Fund is prepared to participate in Gen-Z Initiative, which spreads innovation and entrepreneurial activities amongst university students.
Egypt has placed education quality among its priorities since 2014 as it embarked on improving education services.
According to the development plan, it is intended under the "Providing Quality Education and Knowledge Education" program to continue the efforts made to achieve the goal of the National Human Rights Strategy.
The schools in the governorate were renovated as part of the presidential initiative, in addition to new schools established to receive more students during the new school year.
UNESCO emphasized that schools that are unsafe or incubating violate the right to education as enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
He highlighted the President Abdel Fattah El Sisi's directives to expand in that experiment across the country and provide professional administrations for those schools.
The work of the initiative includes conducting examinations for students inside schools using rapid reagents.
Those comprise a total of thousands of classrooms, and are worth hundreds of millions of pounds.
Those are located in Cairo, Giza, Qalyoubeya, Alexandria, Port Said, Suez, and three other governorates in Upper Egypt.
The Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) expects unstable weather over the coming days, especially Sudan and Monday in various parts in the country.
The company is established by the National Service Products Organization (NSPO).
North Sinai governorate witnessed a boom in educational projects during the last seven years.
Egypt’s social initiative “Haya Karima” is targeting investments into upgrading the quality of education services in Egyptian villages.
Governors of each of Cairo, Giza and Qalyubia all announced suspending classes at schools on Thursday over predictions of an unstable wave and rainfall.
On his Facebook page, Education Minister Tareq Shawqi expounded that the leaflet sent to schools concerning the fees of the 2020-2021 school year will not be put into effect immediately.
Minister of Health Hala Zayed announced Thursday the ministry’s plan to confront coronavirus at schools as the new school year kicks off.
The decision has been taken after the government suspended the study at the schools and universities for more two weeks to be resumed mid-April.