Samih Sawiris
Samih Sawiris: ‘ Egypt is a long-standing country that has known civilization since ancient times’
Samih Sawiris: I deeply thank Egyptian government, Ministry of Health for their support.
Business tycoon Samih Sawiris has praised the draft law on merging the funds for the sectors of tourism and antiquities, saying it would support the financial resources of the merged fund.
The businessman expected that the Egyptian tourism to return to its strength again during the months of October and November 2020.
The company, of which Sawiris already holds a 33-percent stake, is number three in Europe, after TUI and DER.
Studying costs at the city’s university might exceed LE 250,000 per year, businessman Samih Sawiris said.
A wrap-up of the most prominent business news of the day
The closing ceremony of the first edition of El Gouna Film Festival was on September 29.