President Abdel Fattah al Sisi confirmed to his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyy Egypt’s support for all efforts that aims at calming the situation and reaching a peaceful solution to the conflict in order to stop the bloodshed and help pave the way towards peace.
The two sides discussed means to boost cooperation in the tourism domain and efforts exerted to increase the number of Ukrainian tourists to Egypt.
Russia dismissed a statement by the leaders of France and Germany accusing it of using military force and carrying out illegitimate checks on Ukrainian vessels.
A court in Crimea on Tuesday ordered two months' detention for Ukrainian sailors captured in a confrontation at sea with Russia.
Ukrainian ambassador to Egypt Hennadii Latii praised Friday the successful visit paid by Investment and International Cooperation Minister Sahar Nasr to Kiev, where she co-chaired with her Ukrainian counterpart the 7th session of the Egyptian-Ukrainian ec
Both Ukrainian military and Kremlin-backed rebels on Friday accused each other of breaking a new truce.