Green Transition
A statement from the British Embassy in Cairo Wednesday said that Egypt is a key partner for the United Kingdom in combating climate change, especially after the COP27 climate conference, where the Green Partnership Agreement was concluded between the two countries.
Maya Hennerkes, the Director for Green Financial Systems at the Climate Strategy and Delivery Department of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), said that Egypt is on the right track towards a green and sustainable energy transition.
“This aims to support farmers, increase crop productivity and diversify agricultural crops, and hence increase economic return and income," said Rady.
It is an English-language website consisting of information on 'Green Economy Projects,' 'Natural Protectorates,' and 'Hayah Karima' (Decent Life Initiative).
Chinese Ambassador to Cairo Liao Liqiang stated Monday that China backs Egypt's hosting of COP 27, which will convene in Sharm El Sheikh on November 6-18.
Receiving old money that is torn, dirty and tattered is very possible when getting exchange after a purchase.
Many new and greater cities across Egypt have witnessed a lot of afforestation and tree planting as part of the nation-wide ‘Prepare for Green’ initiative aiming to turn different places into eco-friendly areas.