The Toxic Culture of Gym Community



Wed, 08 May 2024 - 09:33 GMT


Wed, 08 May 2024 - 09:33 GMT

It’s almost summer, which means Hot Girl's Summer is on the rise, the gym business will be skyrocketing to the top, and Instagram fitness videos will be trending everywhere. Everyone is rushing to have the “perfect” body and to hit the beaches ASAP. others want to simply maintain a healthy lifestyle amid an overwhelming and turbulent life. So the gym is the place to be for getting fit and healthy yet despite the increase of many certified coaches and nutritionists that help people in reaching their goals, people are more reluctant to join the gym and dismiss it completely. Why is that? On many gym social media pages, we see them highlighting the importance of working out, showing how new friendships and blossoming friendships begin at the gym, and yet, people hate the idea of going there. Could it be due to a lack of interest? Are people not comfortable trying new things? Could be. I, however, would like to suggest a couple of reasons why people dislike going to the gym. To sum it up  it’s because of “The Toxic Culture of Gym Community” 
Now, I might seem like I'm being hyperbolic and there is no such thing as The toxic culture of the gym community but in recent years, people have been feeling that the gym isn’t the place to work out, and rather stay at home, install workout apps and do the exercises by themselves and not seek guidance from professionals because it all feels fake, phony and toxic.
I’ll do my best to break down how according to people, the gym became this toxic place filled with toxic people and harmful vibes 
***Disclaimer, this isn’t an attack or a callout to the people who love going to the gym or the gym institutions itself
1- A Place For Instagram and Snapchat 
Whether you’re a millennial, a Gen Z, or Gen X, whatever demographic you are, you have seen the gym photos, the flask photo with the yoga mat, and those motivational black-and-white workout videos with the song Dream on playing in the background. The gym became a place for a photo shoot and not working a sweat.  Again, there’s nothing wrong with documenting your progress but people tend to feel uncomfortable with all the cameras, especially people with body dysmorphia feel less comfortable because they can feel like they are being eyed and captured for the audience to be mocked at the way they look. 
It just feels a bit manufactured, a gym is supposed to be a haven to not care about how you look and how you work out, but with the rise of influencers and gym coaches, people feel like they have to follow tons of rules just to look like they belong. 
Which leads to number 2 
2- Look The Part or be Mocked 
Aside from the Instagram fever, a lot of people who are starting their gym journey feel like they need to look a certain way to look the part. While we can all agree that the gym has proper attire that should help you do a workout without facing trouble moving, some people give snobbish and judgemental vibes that others are not wearing “suitable” attire, as people feel like that If they are not wearing sportswear from a well-known brand, they are given side-eye, snobby looks, and elitist treatment. This sounds like alienation and subtle bullying, leading to point number 3 
3- Join Our Classes or Prepare to be Alone Between the Masses
Another side of subtle bullying or alienation can come from the gym instructors themselves, as some professed that one of the reasons they dislike going to the gym is that gym coaches often pressure gym goers to join their private classes, take extra hours, or hire them as their private trainers. Again, there’s nothing wrong with coaches offering their services, however, there’s a difference between offering and forcing. 
Coaches (not all of them) tend to force people into joining their private sessions or certain classes. 
People go to the gym not just to be slim and fit, it’s also to be comfortable with their bodies and follow healthy lifestyles. Many people (even you the reader) have suffered from the awful messages hidden in movies, shows, and magazines about how they should look, so it takes a lot of courage to feel like they can love their bodies for better or for worse. So entering the gym after a journey of self-love and acceptance, only to feel isolated just because they do not want to have a private coach at the moment!! Unacceptable. 
All these reasons are valid and can be constituted as why toxic gym culture is driving people into not going to the gym, however, despite all these reasons, the gym shouldn’t be a place to feel less or worry about fitting in. working out is not only for the body, it’s for the soul too. Always remember that you’re working out to be healthier, and stronger, and the gym is the place where you can let go of all the negative pent-up energy, a place where you can put on your headphones, blast the volume up, and listen to your favorite tunes while working out and feeling like Rocky. 
Joined a gym you don’t like? Leave it and go to another one. Feeling isolated? Invite a friend. This is your journey and you should never feel like you need to compete or fit in.



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