First footage for 'Sinai 2018' operation by armed forces



Fri, 09 Feb 2018 - 11:10 GMT


Fri, 09 Feb 2018 - 11:10 GMT

Screemshot from the video which shows first footage for "Sinai 2018" comprehensive operation.

Screemshot from the video which shows first footage for "Sinai 2018" comprehensive operation.

CAIRO - 9 February 2018: Egypt's state TV aired on Friday the first footage for the "Comprehensive Operation Sinai 2018" that was announced to purge the country from terrorism.

The army released two video statements on Friday to announce the launching of the operation, and several attacks targeting terrorists' hideouts and weapons in Northern and Central Sinai.

The military spokesperson Tamer el-Refai said in video statement number (2) that the targeted hotbeds were used by the extremists to target law enforcement soldiers as well as civilians in North and Central Sinai.

Egypt's military Air forces targeted a number of terrorist hotbeds, weapons and ammunition stores as part of an intensified security crackdown in different parts in Sinai.

For his part, President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi tweeted on Friday saying he is following up with pride the military operations that were announced by the army and the police on Friday, which aims at uprooting terrorism across the country.

“I proudly follow up the heroic acts of my sons in the armed forces and the police to purge the land of precious Egypt from terrorist elements who are enemies of life ... And always # long live Egypt” El-Sisi said on his official Twitter account on Friday.

The army and police started earlier on Friday a comprehensive military operation in Central and North Sinai to uproot terrorism.



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