Mubarak not seeking to travel for Hajj, says lawyer



Mon, 06 Mar 2017 - 11:33 GMT


Mon, 06 Mar 2017 - 11:33 GMT

Former President Mohamed Mosny Mubarak - REUTERS

Former President Mohamed Mosny Mubarak - REUTERS

CAIRO – 6 March 2017: Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak does not intend to travel to Saudi Arabia for Hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca,


reported Monday, quoting Mubarak’s defense lawyer, Fareed El-Deeb.

Deeb denied reports from several news outlets that Mubarak intends to make the pilgrimage this year. In a phone call to Ahmed Moussa’s TV show3 A’la Mas’ouliti (It’s My Responsibility) Deeb said, “It's too early to open discussions into his ability to travel abroad. … Such claims are groundless.”

Lebanese newspaper Al Akhbar reported Monday that Mubrak's sons informed Saudi officials of Mubarak’s willingness to travel at his own expense, adding that they and their mother, Suzanne, would accompany him on the visit, according to



Also on Monday,


reported that Mubrak officially requested to travel to Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj. It added that Mubarak made calls to senior Saudi officials on the matter, and that the official pledged to provide all facilities possible during his stay.

“Despite the fact that the court’s Thursday decision was final, the court hasn’t sent an official notification to the concerned executive bodies to carry out [any changes],” Deeb said.

Last Thursday the Cairo Appeals Court issued a final verdict acquitting Mubarak on charges of killing protesters during Egypt’s January 25 Revolution in 2011.

Lawyer Anwar El-Mashad told Egypt Today that Hosny Mubarak can't leave the country while pending legal cases of graft, Al-Ahram newspaper gifts, in which he faces charges on corruption.



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