Qatari regime seeks to fail Palestinian reconciliation



Tue, 24 Oct 2017 - 07:30 GMT


Tue, 24 Oct 2017 - 07:30 GMT

Qatari Ambassador to Gaza and Gaza reconstruction official, Mohammad al-Ammadi

Qatari Ambassador to Gaza and Gaza reconstruction official, Mohammad al-Ammadi

CAIRO – 24 October 2017: Informed sources stated that Israel allowed Qatari Ambassador Mohammad al-Ammadi to enter Gaza via Erez Crossing to hand over $14 million to extremist groups.

The source accused Qatar of delivering large sums of money under the guise of Palestinian reconstruction to terrorist groups in order to target the Sinai Peninsula.

1. Qatari Ambassador to Gaza and Gaza reconstruction official, Mohammad al-Ammadi

The source alleged Qatar’s aim is to disrupt the Palestinian reconciliation efforts by targeting Egyptian mediation.

2. Terrorist groups in Sinai

This comes, the source said, as the Qatari Al Jazeera channel continues to mask Qatar’s ties to Israel.

The source claimed the Qatari regime funds extremist groups by hiring heavily-armed mercenaries to carry out Qatari plans on the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.

3. Islamic Army in Gaza

Qatar depends on Mumtaz Daghmash, who is accused of carrying out bombings and terrorist attacks in Egypt, to hand over money for terrorists in Sinai via tunnels between Egypt and Gaza, the source said.

Daghmash, the leader of the Islamic Army militant group, is backed by Qatar and leads terrorist attacks in the region to serve the Qatari agenda, the source added.

4. Mumtaz Daghmash, the leader of the Islamic Army militant group

Palestinian sources accused the Qatari regime of funding several extremist groups that train in Gaza and flee to the Sinai Peninsula to carry out terrorist attacks to destabilize the Sinai. Sources said all these groups work under the banner of the Qatari regime.

5. Tamim and Benjamin Netanyahu

Since June 5, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates have turned on Qatar with a complete air and trade boycott over allegations the regime supports and sponsors terrorism, which Doha denies.

Following the Arab boycott of Doha, a list of 13-demands was handed to Doha’s government by the Arab quartet for reconciliation, which includes the closing of Al-Jazeera channel and the suspension of Qatar's relationship with the extremist government of Iran.

Qatar has thus far rejected the demands, and reconciliation seems hampered by their refusal to comply with the Arab quartet’s demands.



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