Capital Market Law
The FRA also approved the inclusion of 4 new financing tools in the capital market, including Social Bonds, Sustainable Development Bonds, Environmental Social and Governance Bonds, Gender equality and women's empowerment bonds.
Till now, three issuances of short-term securities were approved of maturity date not exceeding 2 years, he said in a statement released by the authority.
The amendments aim at protecting the minority shareholder rights.
Proposed amendments to Capital Market Law aim at complying with international rules and pumping additional instruments into the Egyptian market, ministerSahar Nasr said.
Head of the Egyptian exchange discusses the possibility of establishing a “commodities and contracts” exchange in Egypt.
The new law aims primarily to protect the rights of minority shareholders and impose fines for violations of the law.
Minister of Investment and International Cooperation Sahar Nasr says that the new amendments on the Capital Market Law aim to increase transparency and strengthen governance