The MB has existed in France for decades, but since the heavy financial and political support the group has enjoyed for many years now, France has witnessed a spate of Islamist violence, prompting the authorities to counter the radicalization spiral inste
Google banned Tuesday a mobile application known as Euro Fatwa App for the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood Youssef al-Qaradawi.
Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi on Saturday declared that he will be stepping down from his position as president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), could this be another hoax?
Qatar housed leaders from Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, and the Taliban and facilitated spreading their extremist ideology through Al Jazeera
Qaradawi’s daughter faces 10 charges of joining an illegal group and others.
Former Brotherhood leader Abdel Rahman Khalifa Sobaeh Soweidy revealed Qatar’s role in supporting terrorism.
On the anniversary of Hamad bin Khalifa coup against his father on June 27, 1995, Qatari activists launched a hashtag to document the government’s human rights violations .
The Qatari emir embraced Yusuf al-Qaradawi during Eid al-Fitr.
A recent video interview showed Qaradawi, a leading figure of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, articulating his permission of suicide bombing.