Doctors rediscover a diaper free technique for newborns



Wed, 28 Jun 2017 - 01:05 GMT


Wed, 28 Jun 2017 - 01:05 GMT

Newborn baby – CC via Wikimedia Commons/Evans Amos

Newborn baby – CC via Wikimedia Commons/Evans Amos

CAIRO - 28 June 2017: Doctors have rediscovered a cost-friendly potty training technique for young couples called elimination communication (EC).

EC is a method where parents and caregivers use the baby’s natural signals as cues to when they want to use the bathroom from as young as birth. The same way babies signal when they are hungry, tired and scared, by paying attention to their body language caregivers can find signals for when they are feeling uncomfortable. EC signals include fuzziness, grimacing and other signs of discomfort.

Los Angeles based doctor couple Rosemary She and Jeffery Bender was very skeptical about this method but committed to try it with their third child. To their surprise, it made their life easier.

EC eliminates urinary tract infections and skin infections like diaper rashes. Not to mention, it is an environmental friendly and cost-effective technique. You will not have to use tens of wipes, buy a new set of diapers every other day and deal with the dirty diaper mess.

Although the benefits sound tempting, people do not think it is convenient. Parenting is difficult, especially with newborns. Professor Valarie Kimball at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago told The Washington Post that this method will only create a strain on already burdened parents. “There are a lot of pressures, and this would be one other pressure,” she told The Washington Post.

Before the introduction of disposable diapers to the market, this was a common practice. It remained a custom in Eastern Europe and Asia.



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