Photo of the Day: Hut in the middle of a Salt Lake



Sat, 29 Jul 2017 - 10:00 GMT


Sat, 29 Jul 2017 - 10:00 GMT

Lake at Siwa - Amr Abosenna

Lake at Siwa - Amr Abosenna

CAIRO - 29 July 2017: Siwa is an oasis in the middle of pure desert, right beside the great sand sea. To find water in such a place is a miracle.

Water bodies of Siwa are formed from spring water pouring up since ages. And it is salty because of the leftover of the oceans that the desert once was covered with.

A salt lake is there, formed as a natural beauty holder. Spending a night on its side in an eco-lodge is an experience worthwhile. The vibes of the salt with the dry weather of the desert will help you relax in the best way possible.

Thanks for the talented photographer Amr Abosenna for sharing his photo with us.

Lake at Siwa - Amr Abosenna
Lake at Siwa - Amr Abosenna



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