Beyond Love: Things that Make or Break Your Relationship



Tue, 11 Jun 2024 - 03:10 GMT


Tue, 11 Jun 2024 - 03:10 GMT

Relationships, as beautiful as they are, come along with their complexities and challenges. And as much as they fill our lives with joy, love, and connection, there come times when arguments and problems leave us in not so much of a happy and satisfied state, or even feel the existence of this relationship is at stake. Whether you're just starting a relationship, celebrating an anniversary, or navigating a tricky patch, some universal truths can hold the key to a happy, healthy connection.
The Magic Makers: Building Strong Bonds
• Communication is Key: While it may sound too obvious, you need to ask yourself whether you are actively listening and speaking openly to one another rather than entering a conversation with an I-want-to-prove-myself-right mindset. It is important to know how to handle tough conversations without resorting to yelling and wanting to
• Respect and Appreciation: Treat your partner with kindness, value their opinions, and don't forget the power of a simple "thank you". Show appreciation for the little things as much as for the grand gestures.
• Shared Values and Goals: Do you see eye-to-eye on the big matters? Having a foundation of shared dreams and values creates a sense of security and direction.
• Quality Time, Together and Apart: Make time for date nights, even if it's just takeout and a movie night at home, but at the same time allow space for individual hobbies and interests.
• Intimacy: This doesn’t only refer to physical intimacy – while it is still important. However, there is another level of intimacy you need to reach; it is about feeling safe, connected, and understood by your partner.
The Troublemakers: Cracks in the Foundation
• Stonewalling and Contempt: Shutting down communication or resorting to sarcasm and put-downs can destroy your relationship. It can make the gap between you both grow wider, shutting one another away in fear of being mocked or ridiculed.
• Dishonesty and Betrayal: Trust is the cornerstone of any relationship, and once broken, it is a major hurdle to overcome. You are only really lucky if you manage to move beyond broken trust and will take a lot of work to rebuild it.
• Unrealistic Expectations: Nobody's perfect and this is why you need to learn how to accept your partner's flaws, just as they would accept yours.
• Lack of Support: Your partner should be your cheerleader, not your critic, they should be your support system and not bring you down out of intimidation or jealousy. Feeling unsupported can chip away at your connection.
• Taking Each Other for Granted: Don't let the spark fade. Make an effort to keep the romance alive, big gestures or small.
Remember, every relationship is unique and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. But by knowing what you need to focus on and what you need to avoid, you can build a strong, supportive, and fulfilling love that weathers any storm. Finally, and most importantly, don't be afraid to seek professional help if you're struggling and need to work through challenges.



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