“Right Person, Wrong Time” Is It True?



Wed, 05 Jun 2024 - 03:15 GMT


Wed, 05 Jun 2024 - 03:15 GMT

Being in a healthy relationship requires give-and-take from both sides. As amazing as it seems to be in love, unfortunately, some relationships aren't meant to last, no matter how much you want them to. However, there’s a specific sentence we bet you heard too many times to count during breakup talks, 4 words that justify the separation which usually describes the one that got away “right person, wrong time”.
But, is that actually a real thing? Or is it just a sentence people throw around after breakups? Let’s break it down and explain why we think there’s no such thing as 'right person but wrong timing'.
There is no perfect timing for anything
For example, you want to achieve a personal goal, but then you put it off until when you think is the right time or will wait to start until you get the perfect chance. What will happen here is that you won't do this specific task or goal because you are using time as an excuse for something you just don’t want to do, and the chance will never show up unless you take the very first step. Just like love, you love someone so you'll do everything it takes to keep them, even if it can get a bit tricky.
The right person is timeless
We think there is no best time for you to meet “the one”, the right person will make it feel like the right time even if it will take months or years. Your true love will stay in your life regardless of the circumstances, because if you have found the right person, why on earth would you want to let them go?
If the person lets you go, then maybe it's an indication that they didn't value the relationship enough to make some changes to keep and nurture it. The harsh truth is, if they wanted to they would.
To cut a long story short, if it is meant to be, it will eventually happen. Not every lover that crosses your path is the “right person” for you nor the “true love” of your life. Sometimes, life can surprise your actual soulmate after all. Remember, there’s never a wrong time to find true love.



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