4 Benefits of Intermittent Fasting



Mon, 03 Jun 2024 - 03:40 GMT


Mon, 03 Jun 2024 - 03:40 GMT

Are you tired of dieting and feeling hungry all the time? Do you find the usual diet plans boring in the long run? Then, maybe it is time you give intermittent fasting a try.
The most popular method is the 16:8 which will require you to eat all your food within the 8 hours of your day. This eating pattern has been gaining popularity in recent years, and it is for a good reason. Many have found intermittent fasting very effective in helping you shed those extra kilos, so check out some of its great benefits.
It helps in fat loss
You may reduce your body fat and lose weight through intermittent fasting because it limits your calorie intake, therefore, you’re automatically on a calorie deficit – without having to count your calories – which is a main contributor to weight loss.
It can help reduce inflammation
It has been shown that intermittent fasting can reduce inflammation, which, if increased, can contribute to numerous diseases such as heart disease, and cancer.
Can reduce insulin resistance
It has been scientifically proven that intermittent fasting has major benefits for insulin resistance, as it helps lower your blood sugar levels and can protect your body from type 2 diabetes, and for those who suffer from, it can help them lose weight.
Improve metabolic health
For those who feel they burn fat slower than others, intermittent fasting can help boost your metabolism and can lead to improvements in various metabolic markers, such as blood sugar levels, insulin sensitivity, and cholesterol levels
Although intermediate fasting can benefit your body to a great extent, it is worth mentioning that you must follow a balanced diet to get the results you are aiming for. Try to break your fast with proteins and fibers first and don’t forget to hydrate your body after the long fast.



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