4 Ways Reading Can Change Your Life



Sun, 02 Jun 2024 - 04:44 GMT


Sun, 02 Jun 2024 - 04:44 GMT

There is an inexplicable joy in losing yourself in a good book; a comforting company that can take you away from all the madness happening around you. Some are avid readers who can’t skip a day without a book in their hands, others read when they have the time. Whichever type of a reader you are, and whichever genre you prefer, there is no doubt there’s much more you can get out of reading far beyond an enjoyable time. So, believe it there are so many reading can change your life, and here are a few.
1. Reading can change your perspective and the way you see the world.
It broadens your horizons, allowing you to see your surroundings differently. Your view of many things around you will change just because of all the things you learn through reading. Reading about different places, cultures, and people of a polar opposite background gives us insights into different points of view, helping us overcome stereotypes and go against preconceived notions or concepts. You no longer become fixated on a single perspective, instead, you become more flexible and open to seeing things from a different lens.
2. You become more empathetic.
In fiction, we put ourselves in the shoes of the characters, digging deep to understand their emotions and thought processes. We feel sad over their sufferings, and feel happy when a change of event turns in their favor; we create a bond of empathy and even sometimes relate to the fictional character, finding a bit of us in them. Similarly, through reading, we become more empathetic with those around us. We listen with an open mind and a kind heart; we become more accepting and less judgmental because we know this could have been us.
3. You’ll grow and learn more about yourself.
Fiction makes you pause and reflect, you come across a scene where you begin to wonder what you could have done if this had happened to you, you imagine yourself in situations you never expected and delve deep into yourself to ponder about your actions and reactions. On the other hand, when you read in psychology, you get to understand better about human nature and yourself, helping you do a lot of work with yourself, getting out of your comfort zone, changing what you can, and accepting what you can’t change. You simply grow.
4. You become a very interesting conversationalist.
Think about the most interesting person in the room, it is usually someone who is a great storyteller or someone who has intriguing topics to discuss. The more you read, the more you have something valuable to talk about, and the less you are interested in small talk or gossip. People would enjoy your company and would love listening to what you have to say because they know it is mostly something of value.
It’s truly a wonderful thing what a book can do, how it can change you, giving you a different outlook on life and even yourself. So, explore different genres, read different authors, immerse yourself in literature, and go beyond what’s familiar to you, and if you are not an avid reader, maybe it is time you get yourself into the habit of reading.



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