Lessons You Learn When You Stop Chasing the Wrong Things for You



Thu, 30 May 2024 - 02:37 GMT


Thu, 30 May 2024 - 02:37 GMT

We envision, plan, strategize, and set goals, and then, all of a sudden, life happens, turning this all upside down, in the most unexpected ways. Frustrated with the setbacks but also determined to go the path we chose for ourselves, we keep on fighting in the same direction, not knowing if or when it is time to stop the chase and change the course of action. 
Sometimes we keep on chasing the wrong things, simply because we don’t want to feel like we’ve given up too quickly, not knowing that this might not be meant for us in the first place. Think of how many times you kept trying to apply for the same role because you wanted to work in this specific company or a person you were holding onto when in fact they were no good for you.
Truth be told, it is not really easy to tell early on when something is not just right for us, because when we deeply want something, our reasoning is sort of silenced by the misbelief that once we get that we’ll be happy. In fact, and sometimes after a long journey of chasing, trying, and failing, we come to learn it wasn’t meant for us, and with this realization, there are always valuable lessons to learn.
You will learn that the right things will eventually catch you. As the saying goes ‘when one door closes, another will open’.  Something better will eventually come your way, it just needs patience and faith that when something doesn’t work out, it is simply for the best.
You will learn that somethings will come to you when you stop forcing it. Like love, it is not something you get when search for it and chase the wrong person just because you don’t want to be alone. Love will find you when it is time.
You will learn that letting go is sometimes a blessing. We were always told that letting go proves a lack of will and perseverance. In fact, it is wisdom and strength to know when to let go and when to get yourself out of something you’re limiting and confining yourself in.
You will learn that no matter how hard you chase, if it’s not yours, you won’t catch it. You will begin to understand that you need to slow down the race to have a better look at where you stand, and to figure out when it is time to change your direction, simply because going back and forth in the same direction will simply take you nowhere.
In the end, life is full of opportunities, only for those who wish to seize them. Don’t get locked up in one scenario and get yourself hooked up on things that don’t seem promising. So whenever you feel unhappy or stuck remember that we don’t choose the cards we were dealt, but we get to choose how to play with them. Change the game, leave the wrong things, and be open for better things to come. 



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