7 Things We Need to Normalize in Our Lives



Tue, 21 May 2024 - 03:39 GMT


Tue, 21 May 2024 - 03:39 GMT

What is normal? Who gets to decide and draw the line between the normal and the not-so? What metric is it through which do we assess human behavior and actions? It is easy for society to pass judgments on our set of ideas and beliefs, or emotions we express; we find ourselves, more often than not, frowned upon, and eventually, we feel ashamed of ourselves for not living up to society’s expectations of what is labeled as ‘not normal’. Then, in the process, we lose bits of ourselves, hiding behind our fears of being looked down on as weak, incapable, incompetent, and the list goes on and on. So many things here we need to talk about, to make people feel comfortable talking about and share more openly. I am definitely not referring here to anything illegal, immoral, or unethical, but rather very human things we need to embrace more. We need to normalize:
1. Having career uncertainties and not having a clear vision of your future. People around you may have long-term plans when it comes to their careers, but if you don’t, that doesn’t mean you are a failure or a non-achiever. You’ll figure out when the time is right for you.
2. Needing time off to do simply nothing. With all the hustle culture we see around, it is only fair to feel less accomplished if you are being unproductive. But here is a thing, it is ok if you want to be lazy for a bit and take your time to recharge. If you need it, you need it.
3. Quitting things or people that no longer serve you or hurt you. Quitting or giving up is not a sign of weakness, it is actually a sign that you have outgrown certain people or situations and have enough courage to move on. Knowing when to let go is actually smart.
4. Moments of weakness and anger relief. Even the strongest of people have their moments of breakdown, it’s simply human, a nature you can’t go against. Having moments of weakness doesn’t label you as a weak person.
5. Seeking therapy. Despite all the recent awareness of mental health, we still have a shortcoming when it comes to people taking a step to seek therapy. Whether you want to keep it confidential or share it with your nearest and dearest, seeking therapy doesn’t mean you are mad, crazy, or any of the long-existing stereotypes, it is just your soul crying out for help.
6. Being unable to forgive or let go of a grudge. Forgiveness is not an easy thing to do, especially when the pain inflicted is so severe that you cannot move past it. Some people have it in them to forgive easily and quickly, others need more time. Do it at your own pace, unapologetically.
7. Burning bridges. We feel guilty cutting off people we’ve known for so many years or those with whom we have common friends. But there is no reason to keep people who wronged us just because we want to avoid the awkwardness. But it is ok to burn bridges with people who no longer have a place in your life, so long it is done with respect.



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