Do You Feel Grumpy as the New Year Approaches? Here Are Some Ways to Change Your Feelings



Tue, 26 Dec 2023 - 12:28 GMT


Tue, 26 Dec 2023 - 12:28 GMT

With the new year coming up, people always think about what they want to achieve and what they can do differently. They use this opportunity to make resolutions and set goals for themselves, however, some people don’t see the excitement in making resolutions or feel like a new year will be any different from the previous year. The feeling of irritability and cynicism can trick your mind into believing that entering the new year is an average thing. This type of thinking can make you forget how life can be beautiful and filled with adventures, despite the turmoils and the downfalls you face. How can you change that mindset? And how can you work on your feeling of grumpiness? In this article, I’ll give out ways to make you view the new year in a different light.
First Things First, Why Do You Feel Grumpy? 
To start viewing the new year with a different mindset, you must first identify why you feel grumpy and cynical. Let’s unpack, shall we? While we cannot definitively give out accurate reasons, if we speak based on universal experiences, it could be because of the following: 
1- too much work and lack of work-life balance.
2- too much stress and anxiety.
3- it was a year filled with heartbreaks and loss. 
4- you feel like your life was paused and you have no idea how to resume. 
Whatever the reason, life isn’t always gloomy and filled with negativity. Life is a mix of sadness and happiness. You cannot let negative thoughts and bad experiences take over your mind and shape the way you see life. A new year is a new slate, filled with 365 days of hope and excitement. While life is not perfect, life is what you make it, so make the most out of it. 
Here are the ways we recommend to make the new year better.
Make Amends With Yourself 
A new year is a time for reflection. With that in mind, it’s important to remember what you’ve made right and wrong. See past behaviors you’ve made wrong and work your way into forgiving yourself and not repeating the mistakes of the past. Remember that we are all flawed people and it’s not always easy to be kind to ourselves. But kindness and forgiveness are the best ways to start the new year with a clean slate. 
Plan Something Fun to Do
Don’t get stressed over the amount of things you want to accomplish. Whether it’s work or home, we understand that life makes you busy and sometimes you just don`t have time to breathe, but a fun time is always needed, even in times of dire stress. 
The fun doesn’t have to be an over-the-top party or going all the way to the moon, fun is a state of mind, and it’s a way to make you feel better about yourself and your life. Fun can be watching a funny movie, playing a video game, hanging out with friends, etc. Always put yourself first and make the time for fun. 
Think About What You Would Like to Accomplish in the Next Year
Change your perspective about life not working out in your favor. Sure, there are times when things always play the way you want them to, but you don’t want to start the new year dwelling on the past. It’s understandable that the past becomes a part of our identity, but it’s a fraction of who we choose to be in the future. Look at the new year as a way to take the lead and be in charge. See yourself as the protagonist, not a supporting player. Have a mindset where you are a powerful hero with no kryptonite as your weakness. Have a plan to accomplish your goals, and don`t let anything stand in your way. 
Leave the Past Behind
The past can be a painful reminder of all the things you have failed to accomplish, but it doesn’t have to define who you are. Leaving the past behind is a way to move forward and take charge of your life. Why start the new year clinging to the past when you can enter the year with a fresh perspective and a drive to conquer? 



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