Making Peace with Letting Go



Sun, 03 Dec 2023 - 04:24 GMT


Sun, 03 Dec 2023 - 04:24 GMT

Image by Alena Dermel on Pexels

Image by Alena Dermel on Pexels

Humans long for deep connections. Whether it is with a best friend or a lover but unfortunately not all relationships are meant to last forever. Losing someone close to your heart can feel like losing a part of yourself. But, that is part of life; people come and go but the only constant thing in your life is you, and nobody else.
This article will help you to start accepting the fact that it is time to let go and break free from whatever is holding you back.  
Recognizing when it is time
This is like the cornerstone of this whole process, realizing when a relationship no longer serves its purpose to you anymore nor makes you a happier person but instead slowly draining you. You start the cycle of self-doubt and self-loathing thinking that you are the problem, when in fact you are far from it.
Give yourself time to grieve
Processing all your feelings will eventually lead to emotional growth. However, suppressing your emotions while trying to skip the grieving part will not really help you heal or move forward. Allow yourself to cry and feel sadness, and anger, especially as letting go is a tough choice so, take all the time you need as everyone grieves in their own time and way.
Remember it is for the best
Letting someone go is not always a loss, if their presence had a positive impact on your life you wouldn’t have to let them go in the first place. By doing so you have spared yourself unnecessary suffering, entering a new phase of inner peace, and accepting that not everything will go your way and that is totally fine.
Surround yourself with people you love
No matter how tough it is to let someone go, talking it out with trusted people will definitely make you feel a bit better. Share your emotions with your friends and family as they will surely give you the support you need and lift you up.
Practice forgiveness
Sometimes we tend to hold grudges against those who have hurt or wronged us, but letting go is not only limited to just leaving the person. In fact, part of it is just accepting and forgiving the person deep inside you even if you didn’t receive an apology. Be willing to forgive yourself as well, and release yourself from any forms of regret or guilt so you can move forward.



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