Tapping Into Your Hidden Creativity: How to Spark a Creative Flow



Wed, 27 Sep 2023 - 11:52 GMT


Wed, 27 Sep 2023 - 11:52 GMT

Everyone has creativity locked up within them. As opposed to what many people may think, creativity is not just for musicians, artists, actors, or other talents of that sort. We all can be creative in our areas of experience, whether by bringing creative ideas or innovative solutions to the table. We’ve all heard someone say ‘I’m not the creative type’, we even said that to ourselves. But is it really that you are not creative, or that your creativity is not tapped into?
Turns out that creativity is trainable, and that almost everyone can experience a creativity strike, if not faced by a block. So what are the types of creative block?
• Overwhelm and burnout. Too much daily stress stands in the way of creativity and coming up with fresh and innovative ideas.
• Personal and financial problems. Facing problems whether personal or financial can take over your mind and cloud your thinking because you focus all your energy on sorting out the problem.
• Mental block. You can be trapped by your overthinking and worrying that it hinders the process of creativity. Fatigue and lack of sleep can also be cause of a mental block
• Emotional barrier. Fear of failure or limiting beliefs can stand in the way of coming up with fresh ideas.
• Your work habits don’t work well for you. Your working style doesn’t go well with the process of creativity. Maybe you procrastinate, don’t manage your time
well, or work longer than you should.
Now, how can you unleash your creativity?
1. Find out when you are at your best. Some people are most creative early in the morning, others late at night. Some people get inspired by observing everything around them, others by reflecting inward. Whatever it is, just figure out when you tend to get the best ideas.
2. Jot it down. Whenever a creative idea comes to mind, make sure to save it somewhere. Walk around with a pen and notebook, use your phone, or record a voice memo; whatever it is that works best for you. Most importantly never leave a good idea just in your mind, because you will definitely forget it.
3. Change your routine. Your habits or your routine can be the roadblocks to your creativity. Figure out a routine that gives you some free time to think and get out of your comfort zone to broaden your thinking horizon.
4. Connect with nature. A walk in the fresh air around greenery promotes a clear state of mind and lowers stress. This will trigger your creativity flow and will help blocked ideas come to the surface.
5. Embrace different perspectives. Be open to listening to different perspectives and ideas, even if you don’t have to follow or adopt them. This will help you look at things differently and will strike you with different ideas.



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