You're The Villain in Someone Else's Story and That's Ok: How to Embrace your Flaw and Work on Yourself



Tue, 05 Sep 2023 - 03:39 GMT


Tue, 05 Sep 2023 - 03:39 GMT

From the moment we are born, we are taught to be polite, nice, and most importantly to never be the bad guy. We grew up watching movies and television where good people triumph and bad people lose. We saw the world in a black-and-white way. However, as we got older, we acted in a way our younger selves would have seen as inappropriate and wrong. Does this make us the bad guys? Are we devoid of all virtues and filled with vices? What does it mean to be a good person? How can our actions be interpreted as villainous?  In this article, we talk about how it’s okay to acknowledge your wrongdoings and flaws as a way to redeem yourself and become a better person. 
First things first
Apologize for Your Actions Even if The Person Won’t Accept your Apology
We are flawed human beings with vices and virtues that shape who we are and being a human comes with making mistakes and unleashing a bad side of ourselves. Once that is done, a way of redemption is to apologize for your actions. You cannot enforce forgiveness upon others to clear your conscience, but at least admit where you did wrong and be sorry for it. The person you’ve hurt may not accept your apology, but at least you can be at peace with yourself and give them the sincere apology that they deserve.
Your Redemption Arc isn’t dependent on the Person You Hurt but on The Actions that You Take to Right Your Wrongs 
The road to becoming a good person doesn’t only rely on admitting your mistakes and wanting your apology to be accepted. It’s about what you can do later in life that shows improvement and how the mistakes you made changed you for the better. One of the things we tend to think is that if a person doesn’t accept our apologies, then we are not worthy of redemption. We are the bad apples and we are not good enough to be forgiven. This misconception and ideas should not be in your mind because everyone made mistakes in their past but that does not mean that they don’t deserve a chance for redemption. For example, the best person you know, the one you think is kind and an angel has made mistakes too, which means that their mistakes didn’t diminish the work and effort they’ve done to become a better person. So with that, always remember that redemption is not dependent on the person you hurt only, but on how you choose to live your life afterward.
The World is Complicated, and so are People
It’s safe to say that life isn’t as easy or as clear as we thought it would be. Every day, we are challenged to make choices and decisions that will affect our lives, and not all choices are the right ones or the easy ones. You cannot have the cake and eat it too. Unfortunately, everything comes at a price, so keep in mind that despite your flaws and mistakes, we are complicated people in a very complicated world. Rules constantly change and it isn't always easy to be the good guy all the time, however, you should always try to be the best version of yourself.



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