True Friendship Stays Never Fades: Life in Late 20s and Early 30s



Mon, 28 Aug 2023 - 04:39 GMT


Mon, 28 Aug 2023 - 04:39 GMT

For better or worse, true friendship stays forever. When we were young, the idea of having a true group of friends who were inseparable was taking over our minds, regardless of our age, lifestyle, or circumstances, we’d be there for each other. Yet, life gave us a reality check as we got older and the chances to hang out became very minimal. This change of winds may lead some to think that friendships after a certain age fade and the friends we have made along the way are not there for us anymore because they have moved on and let us go. 
This thinking and feeling of isolation and loneliness may be valid but that’s not the case. A common thing that adults fail to mention to us when we were growing up is that a true friendship isn’t measured by the amount of time you spend together or the amazing hangouts you have, and for that lack of information about what a true friend is, we ended up thinking that a true friend is always physically there for you. This article is about breaking said misconception and giving you the assurance that your friendship will remain the same regardless of the distance between you and your friends. Here are a couple of reminders for you to adapt to the world of friendships after the late 20s and early 30s. 
1- Work-Life Balance is Hard and Not Everyone Can Multitask Like You
When you enter the workforce after graduation, you’re an entry-level employee who is still trying to navigate how to adapt to adulthood and responsibilities. Just because you managed to have a work-life balance and can multitask doesn't mean everyone can. Everyone’s progress to adult life and making it into the world is different. After a long week's work, some people's way of relaxing is by escaping into their own bubble and staying at home, others love to hang out and meet new people. Whatever the method of relaxing is, work is difficult and that doesn’t mean that your best friend doesn’t want to make time for you. It’s just that they need to relax and breathe, just like you too. 
2- Married Friends Have Other Priorities and That’s Okay
If your best friend is married, life automatically changes for them. For they have to juggle between work, family, and home. They barely have time for themselves, so remember that be extra kind to your married friend, especially if they have a new baby. Having kids changes everything about a person’s life, from the way they look, dress, and what they’re interested in. If your best friend has a new baby, don't be surprised if they become less available to you. However, try to help them out in any way that you can. 
3- Everyone Is Struggling in Their Own Way, So Don’t Feel Isolated or Alone 
Each chapter of our lives comes with its own hardships and struggles. People who are in their late 20s and early 30s, have to deal with the responsibilities of having a career, whether they should stay in their current relationship or not, change careers, travel for work, etc, etc. These identity crises lead to stress and anxiety, which makes people reluctant about bringing up such topics of others or be around people because they feel guilty that if they have fun, they are not taking life seriously enough. So your friends may not be as excited to hang out with you as they were before, but don’t take it personally. This has nothing to do with you at all. 
4- Your Friends Probably Feel The Same Way as You. 
Surprise surprise, your friends could feel the same way as you do. The feeling of being alone and not being able to meet your friends due to life circumstances is pretty common. Don’t be shocked to know that they’re probably thinking that you should be more available to them, however, they are not voicing it due to their understanding of how hard it is to live. 
5- True Friendship Measurement is by Actions, not Words or Fun Hangouts 
“Actions speak louder than Words.” Always remember that. A true friend shows their true feelings, and colors when something of great importance is at stake. Whether it's a physical setback or a mental state, a true friend will be there to pick you up and hold your hand. A good friend can make you have a good time, but a true friend is there at the worst of times. 





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