5 Tips to Soothe Sunburnt Skin



Mon, 19 Jun 2023 - 04:23 GMT


Mon, 19 Jun 2023 - 04:23 GMT

Here comes the season of tanning and having a lot of fun under the sun. First things first, you should never be at the beach without sunscreen, and don’t worry it won’t stop you from tanning. However, if you forgot your sunscreen and had your skin burnt after spending a lot of time enjoying the sea, sun, and fun, there are things you should do to help your skin recover from the damage. These simple tips will help soothe sunburn and expedite the healing process.
1. Use aloe vera gel. This is the ultimate go-to moisturizer when it comes to burnt skin. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory that helps soothe sunburnt skin and prevent peeling.
2. Try a cold compress. Using cold compresses on your skin while avoiding sunburnt skin help take away the excess heat from your skin. Apply it for short intervals at different parts of your skin.
3. Try oatmeal. Oatmeal is a well-known natural remedy that helps significantly soothe sunburnt skin. Add some oatmeal to milk and honey and mix until it forms a paste. With a piece of cloth pat the oatmeal on your skin. Take a cold shower afterward.
4. Chamomile tea. Chamomile tea is soothing for your skin. Brew the tea and wait for it until it cools down then soak a washcloth in the tea and apply to affected areas.
5. Drink plenty of water. As your skin fights the damage of sunburn, it needs to retain the moisture it has already lost. Make sure you drink plenty of water to help your skin heal from the damage.



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