7 Dos and Don’ts of Healthy Weight Loss



Wed, 20 Jul 2022 - 01:25 GMT


Wed, 20 Jul 2022 - 01:25 GMT

Weight loss can sometimes be a stressful matter for those who have tried different diets but haven’t seen noticeable results. While patience is key when it comes to losing weight, there are some mistakes that we might do along the way unaware that they might be hindering the process. It is always best to follow a dieting plan with a nutritionist so they can put you on the right track, but if you are doing it all by yourself and can’t see any progress, here are the dos and don’ts of healthy weight loss that you need to keep in mind.
Do: Eat at Regular Intervals and with Consistent Timing.
You should eat 3 main meals and a snack every 3 to 4 hours and don’t skip meals. Make sure all the meals include protein, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats. Avoid pasta, pizzas, rice, and sugar as much as possible.
Don’t: Starve Yourself.
This is a huge misconception about losing weight. Starving yourself and skipping meals will not help you lose weight faster, on the contrary, it will slow down your metabolism.
Do: Practice Mindful Eating.
Avoid eating in front of the TV, or while talking on the phone; this kind of distraction will lead you to overeat. By paying attention to the food, eating mindfully, engaging your senses, and chewing slowly, you lower your chances of overeating and will be more in touch with satiety signals.
Don’t:  Completely Deprive Yourself of Eating Something You Love.
Yes, diet is about discipline, but at the same time depriving yourself of something you love all the time will have a negative impact on your weight loss and you will end up bored, tired, and overconsuming what you’re deprived off. Give yourself a break every now and then with a dark chocolate bar or a scoop of ice cream. One time once a week is no big deal. Remember, moderation is key.
Do: Drink Plenty of Water.
Besides keeping you hydrated, drinking enough water helps a lot with boosting your metabolism. Additionally, sometimes our bodies confuse thirst with hunger and our first resort is to eat. Drinking enough water will help you stay fuller and less hungry.
Don’t: Forget about The Calories in Your Beverages.
Juices, milkshakes, and sodas include a lot of calories and sugar and accordingly will add to your calories count. Find healthier alternatives to your beverages such as herbal teas or sugar-free flavored sparkling water.
Do: Exercise Regularly.
Dieting and exercising go hand in hand. While eating clean and healthy food is a huge part of the process, exercising will speed it up, in fact, it is an essential factor. You don’t have to go for heavy and vigorous workouts, even 15-30 minutes of cardio and weightlifting will do massive changes.



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