Egypt’s Min. of Culture officially announces State Award for the Young Innovator



Tue, 25 Aug 2020 - 02:03 GMT


Tue, 25 Aug 2020 - 02:03 GMT

State Award for the Young Innovator officially became a state award - photo via Pink Lasagna

State Award for the Young Innovator officially became a state award - photo via Pink Lasagna

CAIRO – 25 August 2020: Egypt’s Minister of Culture Inas Abdel Dayem said that the State Award for the Young Innovator is a new achievement for the Egyptian state, embodying the nation’s commitment to caring for and encouraging young people, and coming in line with the constitutional texts that grant the right to culture to every citizen.

Abdel Dayem further stated that the award  also guarantees freedom of creativity to promote arts and literature, protect cultural and artistic production, and provide the necessary means for that, highlighting the support of the Council of Ministers and state institutions in introducing this law.
She emphasized that the House of Representatives' approval of the draft law reflects belief in the importance of creativity in building society and its influential role in development, in implementation of the sustainable development strategy and Egypt's 2030 vision.
This came after the House of Representatives, headed by Ali Abdel-Al, approved the bill that was submitted by the Ministry of Culture to the Council of Ministers to create a new award under the name of "The State Prize for the Young innovator", which is awarded annually to those who present an innovative intellectual or material product under the age of 18 in the fields of culture and arts.



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