Korea’s Culture Week to convene on May 18-24 at Opera House amid push to expand Korean language teaching



Sun, 12 May 2024 - 11:01 GMT


Sun, 12 May 2024 - 11:01 GMT

Oh Sung Ho, the Cultural Advisor to the South Korean Embassy and Director of the Korean Cultural Center in Egypt during a meeting with Egyptian reporters- Egypt Today/ Samar Samir

Oh Sung Ho, the Cultural Advisor to the South Korean Embassy and Director of the Korean Cultural Center in Egypt during a meeting with Egyptian reporters- Egypt Today/ Samar Samir

CAIRO – 13 May 2024: On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Korean Cultural Center in Cairo, the center announced the activities for the 2024 Korean Cultural Week due to convene May 18- 24 at the Cairo Opera House.


Entitled 'K-MOVEMENT,' this cultural extravaganza promises to provide a comprehensive and enriching exploration of Korean culture. The upcoming 2024 Korea Culture Week will shine a spotlight on the rich tapestry of Korean traditional and contemporary dance, presenting a diverse range of programs including captivating performances, exhibitions, and interactive workshops.


Oh Sung Ho, the Cultural Advisor to the South Korean Embassy and Director of the Korean Cultural Center in Egypt, shared in a meeting with Egyptian reporters that this year's events hold special significance, coinciding with the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the center. He highlighted that 2025 will be an especially notable year, marking the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Egypt.


In light of this significance, he announced that the annual cultural week will take place twice this year. The first week is scheduled for May, as recently announced, while the second will occur in October.


The week's opening ceremony will take place at the Cairo Opera House's Open-Air Theatre on May 18 at 7:30 P.M. Additionally, another show titled “Ulsuu with Earth.” The show will be a mix of B-boying (Breakdancing) and modern dance.


The week's activities will also feature a Korean traditional mask dance exhibition. The Talchum, a cherished Korean traditional mask dance, holds special significance as it was inscribed on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity list in 2022. Additionally, there will be workshops where participants can learn the intricate art of crafting these traditional masks.


For the fans of the K-Pop dancing and singing, the week will include a performance to be presented by Egyptian K-Pop dancers.  This year, the K-Pop World Festival would be organized in Egypt by Egyptian youngsters.




A center for teaching the Korean Language

The Director of the Korean Cultural Center revealed plans to establish a center for teaching the Korean language in Egypt, citing the increasing demand from Egyptians eager to learn.


He mentioned ongoing discussions with Egyptian universities, including Ain Shams and Aswan, about introducing Korean language courses, though final approval is pending. He noted particularly high interest from Egyptians in Cairo and Alexandria.


Mr. Oh Sung Ho reveled that the center is considering a plan to expand teaching the Korean language in other universities across several governorates by the next year. He continued that young Egyptian people are interesting in language learning and this was shown during competition of learning the Korean language in Seoul.


He emphasized the significance of cooperation between Egypt and South Korea in the realm of antiquities and restoration efforts.


Regarding the expansion of Korean cultural outreach initiatives throughout Egypt, the center's director mentioned that they strategically dispatch convoys based on population density in each governorate and the level of interest among locals in learning about Korean culture. He disclosed that this year, the cultural convoys will primarily target the Delta governorates.


Korean University in Egypt

The Director of the center unveiled plans for the establishment of a Korean University in Egypt, with potential consideration for the subsequent establishment of Korean schools if this initiative proves successful.


Furthermore, he noted that Egypt is already home to one Korean school providing primary education in New Cairo. However, this school currently serves only the Korean community in Egypt, estimated to be around 1,000 Korean nationals, as revealed to Egypt Today. This school has been operational for the past 30 years.


The 2024 Korean- African Summit

Mr. Oh Sung Ho announced that Seoul will host the Korean-African Summit due to convene on June 4 and 5.


Themed "The Future We Make Together: Shared Growth, Sustainability, and Solidarity," the summit aims to foster stronger relations between South Korea and African countries across various levels.


He noted that although an invitation has been extended to Egypt, confirmation from the Egyptian side is pending. He further emphasized Egypt's esteemed stature in the Middle East, highlighting its status as one of the first countries to receive an invitation.





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