Inexpensive houseplant can prevent flies from entering your home all summer



Wed, 29 Jun 2022 - 01:09 GMT


Wed, 29 Jun 2022 - 01:09 GMT

FILE - Flies

FILE - Flies

Cleaning experts at the British company Tap Warehouse say that heat attracts flies, because house flies prefer to breed in hot weather.


Inexpensive houseplant can prevent flies from entering your home all summer


CAIRO – 29 June 2022: Cleaning experts at the British company Tap Warehouse say that heat attracts flies, because house flies prefer to breed in hot weather.





Therefore, it is recommended to use preventive measures to prevent flies and insects from breeding in your home this summer.





Basil and mint are a natural solution to get rid of flies:



Cleaning experts have revealed a clever tip to keep annoying flies out of the house during the summer. This advice is summarized in the exploitation of nature, as there is a simple house plant that smells strong enough to keep these annoying insects away. This plant is very cheap and not expensive at all.





The intended plant is basil, as it repels flies thanks to its strong odor. By putting a pot of basil on the edges of your windows, the possibility of flies entering the house slims down to a big degree. Other than basil, there is mint as well, it has almost the same effect, according to the British newspaper "Mirror".





Experts enumerated a set of other tips that it is best to follow to avoid flies:



Flies hate the scent of essential oils such as lemongrass, lavender, and peppermint. A natural fly repellent spray can be made simply by adding a few drops of these oils with water in a spray bottle, then spraying this formula around the place that attracts flies.





It is advisable to store soft drinks in the refrigerator and wipe up any spills immediately, as fruit flies are attracted to the carbon dioxide in soft drinks.  If you leave these drinks unattended, kitchen fruit flies start to gather around this area, especially if there has been any spillage.





It is best to use apple cider vinegar to deter fruit flies, as summer fruit flies can make a mess. It often leads to food wastage due to people not wanting to eat fruit that flies have touched.





One can set up a fly trap simply by filling half a cup with apple cider vinegar and covering it with a plastic film, making small holes on its cover. Flies are attracted to this mixture and will enter the cup. Then you can simply throw the cup with what it contains afterwards.






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