China's Guangzhou halts construction projects after deadly accident



Sun, 23 Jul 2017 - 11:55 GMT


Sun, 23 Jul 2017 - 11:55 GMT

Crane collapse in China kills seven and injures two

Crane collapse in China kills seven and injures two

BEIJING - 23 July 2017: The southern China city of Guangzhou on Sunday suspended all construction projects after a crane at a construction site collapsed on Saturday killing seven people.

The announcement from the Guangzhou Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Committee said that all construction sites in the city will need to pass an inspection before work can resume.

The accident occurred on Saturday evening at a construction site belonging to a unit of China Communications Construction (601800.SS), according to the announcement.

Explosions and other mishaps are common in China, often because of patchy safety enforcement. The central government has pledged to improve checks to avert such accidents.



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