Egypt starts 21/22 tax return season



Mon, 03 Jan 2022 - 12:02 GMT


Mon, 03 Jan 2022 - 12:02 GMT

Tax - CC via Pixabay/geralt

Tax - CC via Pixabay/geralt

CAIRO - 3 January 2022: The Egyptian Tax Authority announced the commence of the tax returns season of  the fiscal year 2021-2022.


The authority indicated in a statement, Monday, that the authority receives tax returns of 2021, starting from the first of January until March 31, 2022 for normal persons electronically, and it receives the returns of legal persons represented in (money companies and people companies) starting from the first of January until the first of May 2022, or within four months from the date of the end of the company’s financial year electronically.


Head of the Egyptian Tax Authority, Reda Abdel Kader, said that the authority provides technical support to the financiers free of charge through an integrated plan to provide all means of support in all tax missions at the level of the Republic.


He noted that if the taxpayer forgets the username and password that he used to submit his tax return during the previous tax season or loses it, he must immediately go to his tax office and they will provide him with a solution and free support.




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