Members of Egyptian community participate in Egypt’s presidential election in 2018 – by Egypt Today
CAIRO – 16 March 2018: Egyptian community members in Tehran, Iran, head to Egypt's Interest Section to participate in the 2018 presidential election early Friday, where President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi is running for a second term against Al-Ghad party’s head, Moussa Moustafa Moussa.
Egyptian ambassador Yasser Othman, head of Egypt's interest section in Tehran, told Egypt Today that Egyptians in the capital are keen to be part of the presidential election.
Otham said in previous comments to press that the Egyptian community in Iran is composed of 60-70 Egyptians, including heads of multinational companies, along with families of the diplomatic mission in Tehran.
Egypt's Interest Section in Tehran is the only Egyptian representation in Iran since 1990, which was created after the diplomatic relations were cut between the two countries since 1980.
CAIRO - 26 October 2017: President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi discussed Egypt's relations with Iran, which have been cut off for 40 years, during an exclusive interview with France 24. Asked during many exclusive interviews about Egypt's relations with Iran, Sisi said that Egypt has no relations with Iran and is concerned only with Arab national security, which is threatened by Iran.
The Ministry of Immigration and Egyptian Expatriates Affairs has provided hotline numbers to receive any complaints from expatriates during the three-day voting process in the presidential election.
The voting process for expatriates began on Friday and lasts for three days, where Egyptian communities will head to 139 polling stations located in embassies and consulates across 124 countries to choose between two candidates: current President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi and Moussa Mostafa Moussa.
Consulates and embassies across the world were to officially open their doors Friday at 9 a.m. local time in each country.
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