Israelis protest Taba border closure



Tue, 11 Apr 2017 - 01:59 GMT


Tue, 11 Apr 2017 - 01:59 GMT

Taba Crossing border - Wikicommons via Amr Shalaby

Taba Crossing border - Wikicommons via Amr Shalaby

CAIRO – 11 April: Hundreds of Israelis flocked to Taba’s border crossing to protest Israel’s decision yesterday to close its border with Egypt, Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth stated Tuesday.

“The decision is a violation of Israelis' personal freedom, it is not necessary since Egyptian authorities are securing tourists at the highest level, ”an Israeli tourist guide told Israeli Minister of Transport Yisrael Katz. He further stressed that Sinai is a favorite destination for Israeli tourists. The guide added that he was ready to sign a document absolving the Israeli government of responsibility for securing Israeli tourists outside its border.

Katz announced the closure, amid reports of an “imminent” militant attack on churches during the Passover holiday.

Israel informed Egypt of a closure of its side of the Taba Border Crossing between Eilat and Egypt after militants bombed two churches, killing dozens of Christians during Palm Sunday celebrations.



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