Strict Israeli measures in WB ahead of Friday's protests



Fri, 29 Dec 2017 - 11:55 GMT


Fri, 29 Dec 2017 - 11:55 GMT

Worshippers hold Palestinian flags as they protest after Friday prayers on the compound known to Muslims as Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City, as Palestinians call for a "Day of Rage" in response to President Donald Trump

Worshippers hold Palestinian flags as they protest after Friday prayers on the compound known to Muslims as Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City, as Palestinians call for a "Day of Rage" in response to President Donald Trump

RAMALLAH - 29 December 2017: Israeli occupation forces stepped up security measures in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem city ahead of the fourth "Friday of Rage" protests against US President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the Israeli state.

The follow-up committee of the Palestinian National and Islamic Forces called on all Palestinians to participate in the mass protests to express outright rejection of Trump's decision and policies in the Middle East region.

Since the declaration of Trump's decision on December 6, dozens of Palestinians were killed and injured in clashes with Israeli troops in the West Bank and Gaza.



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