Somali Southwestern state cut diplomatic ties with Qatar



Tue, 19 Sep 2017 - 02:47 GMT


Tue, 19 Sep 2017 - 02:47 GMT

Qatar Flag - CC

Qatar Flag - CC

CAIRO – 19 September 2017: In solidarity with the Arab Quartets’ June decision to sever ties with the Gulf state of Qatar, Somali Southwestern state announced the suspension of mutual diplomatic relations with Doha.

In a statement issued Monday, Somalia’s Southwestern state lamented the Somali government’s ‘neutral’ position in the Qatar-Gulf feud, describing it as a move undertaken without proper consideration.

The statement added that “{we} heed so well our strategic relations with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates,” hailing both of the said countries’ unremitting efforts in deterring terrorism in the region.

Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates have turned on Qatar with a complete air and trade boycott over allegations of its support and sponsorship of terrorism, which Doha denies.

Following the Arab boycott of Doha, a list of 13-demands was handed to Doha’s government by Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain for reconciliation which includes the closing of Al-Jazeera broadcasting channel and the suspension of its cozy relationship with the extremist government of Iran.

Since then, Qatar has resisted conciliation attempts, and has not shown any efforts in disassociating itself from the terrorist groups which were proven to be harbored and financially supported by Doha.



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