Fatah leaders in Cairo discuss reconciliation post-Hamas visit



Sat, 16 Sep 2017 - 09:49 GMT


Sat, 16 Sep 2017 - 09:49 GMT

Azzam al-Ahmad and Ismail Haniyeh - Reuters

Azzam al-Ahmad and Ismail Haniyeh - Reuters

CAIRO – 16 September 2017: A delegation from the Fatah movement headed by Azzam al-Ahmed, head of the Fatah parliamentary bloc, arrived on Saturday in Cairo to discuss ways to implement Palestinian reconciliation.

Egypt has taken it upon itself to remedy the 2007 schism over Gaza that created a bitter divide between Hamas and Fatah, and to midwife a reconciliation and a consensus political solution.

Four days earlier, a high-profile delegation from Hamas movement arrived in Cairo, seeking the very same reason, with the head of the Hamas political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, in the helm.

It was the first visit since Haniyeh took over as president in last May, the Associated Press stated Sunday.

The press news added that this visit reflects the improvement of relations between the two parties especially after the Egyptian government sent fuel deliveries to help the people of Gaza during the past months, as well as the opening of the Rafah crossing.



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