Guinean envoy commends Azhar role in confronting terrorism



Wed, 26 Jul 2017 - 10:01 GMT


Wed, 26 Jul 2017 - 10:01 GMT

Al Azhar - File Poto

Al Azhar - File Poto

CAIRO - 26 July 2017: Guinean Ambassador to Egypt Soriba Camara hailed the key role played by Al Azhar in confronting extremism and terrorism worldwide, especially in Africa.

During a visit to Al Azhar Observatory and
Al Azhar Fatwa Global Center, he said Azhar represents Islam with its message of tolerance.

General Supervisor of Al Azhar Observatory and Al Azhar Fatwa Global Center Youssef Amer said the mission of the observatory and the center is to combat extremism.

He said Azhar gives priority to Africa.

The observatory exerts strenuous efforts to spread the upright teachings of Islam and confront terrorism and extremism.



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