President Sisi reviews Gaza ceasefire efforts with US Secretary of State Blinken



Mon, 10 Jun 2024 - 02:36 GMT


Mon, 10 Jun 2024 - 02:36 GMT

CAIRO – 10 June 2024:  Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al Sisi met with the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and his accompanying delegation. The meeting was attended by the Director of the General Intelligence Service, Major General Abbas Kamel.

The Spokesman for the Presidency said the meeting reviewed the latest developments pertinent to joint efforts to reach a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and exchange hostages and captives.

It was agreed to intensify these efforts during the current phase. The meeting also discussed Egyptian efforts to provide access to humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza.

 The President emphasized the importance of international cooperation to remove obstacles to the delivery of humanitarian aid, as well as the necessity to end the war in the region, prevent the escalation of conflict, and move forward with the implementation of the two-state solution.

The US Secretary of State expressed the US administration's appreciation for Egypt's ongoing efforts on both the political and humanitarian tracks, and its commitment to continue working and coordinating between the two countries to restore security and peace in the region.

The meeting also reaffirmed the strength of the Egyptian-US strategic partnership and the commitment of both countries to continue joint coordination on various issues and topics.




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