Egypt, Azerbaijan leaders discuss boosting bilateral relations



Sat, 08 Jun 2024 - 12:39 GMT


Sat, 08 Jun 2024 - 12:39 GMT

Egypt, Azerbaijan discuss Gaza

Egypt, Azerbaijan discuss Gaza

CAIRO - 8 June 2024: During a joint press conference with the President of Azerbaijan, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi expressed his satisfaction with hosting his Azerbaijani counterpart and the accompanying delegation.


He affirmed that the visit is significant, reflecting the two countries' interest in enhancing their bilateral relations in the coming period, based on their historical ties.


President Sisi congratulated President Aliyev on his re-election and commended Azerbaijan's hosting of the twenty-ninth session of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.


The discussions held between President Sisi and the Azerbaijani President confirm their aspiration to continue working together to strengthen bilateral relations in various fields. They also discussed coordinating on regional and international issues of mutual interest, as well as boosting economic and trade relations by utilizing available opportunities.


President Sisi emphasized the importance of maintaining periodic political consultations between the two countries and looked forward to convening the sixth session of the Egyptian-Azerbaijani Joint Committee for Economic, Scientific, and Technical Cooperation.


He also highlighted the significance of organizing the Egyptian-Azerbaijani Business Forum to enhance economic and trade relations.


Regional issues were strongly present in their talks, with the Palestinian issue at the forefront. President Sisi reviewed Egypt's efforts to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza and achieve a ceasefire, aiming to establish a sovereign Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, based on relevant international legitimacy resolutions.


President Sisi reiterated Egypt's support for all initiatives aimed at achieving peace and stability in the South Caucasus region. He praised recent progress in border demarcation between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which opens the door to a new phase of development and serves the interests of the region's peoples.


In conclusion, President Sisi renewed his welcome to President Aliyev, expressing hope for a leap in enhancing and developing mutual cooperation in all fields, building on the friendly and historical relations between the two nations.




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