United Media Services stands with Egyptian TV host Kaswaa against ‘US media targeting’



Fri, 07 Jun 2024 - 04:10 GMT


Fri, 07 Jun 2024 - 04:10 GMT

Egyptian TV host Kaswaa El-Khelaly responds to MEMRI's framing of her episodes - Still image/CBC

Egyptian TV host Kaswaa El-Khelaly responds to MEMRI's framing of her episodes - Still image/CBC

CAIRO – 7 June 2024: Egypt’s mega media entity United Media Services (UMS) has expressed unwavering support for TV host Kaswaa El-Khelaly, who has become the subject of “a systematic targeting campaign” by US media platforms and think tanks.

In a statement on Friday, the UMS expressed their support for Khelaly, applauding her courageous defense of Palestinian rights.

UMS denounced the coordinated distortion campaigns launched against Khelaly, which included blocking the digital broadcast of her program and shutting down her social media pages. Distorted clips from her program were also used to incite against her, leading to threats of violence and personal attacks.

"We, the UMS, strongly condemn these practices and affirm our unwavering support to all Egyptian media professionals," the statement read.

They emphasized their commitment to taking all necessary legal and professional measures to protect Khelaly and ensure the freedom of expression for all journalists and media professionals within their company.

The UMS called on journalists and media professionals worldwide to unite in solidarity with Khelaly and to confront any attempts to stifle free voices.

They stressed that freedom of the press is a fundamental pillar in defending truth and achieving justice.

MEMRI’s allegations

The Washington-based Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) recently shared clips from Khelaly's program, "In Evening with Qaswaa," where she criticized Israeli practices against Palestinians in Gaza.

Khelaly shed light on the ongoing Israeli aggression in Gaza, which has resulted in around 120,000 casualties over the course of an eight-month war.

During one of her videos, Khelaly expressed the sentiments of many Egyptians who oppose normalization with Israel at the popular level, asking, "Why would we embrace an occupying force?"

In response to criticism from MEMRI, Khelaly questioned whether she was expected to describe Israel as "sweet as chocolate" given the ongoing circumstances in Gaza.

Khelaly strongly condemned MEMRI for targeting her using its “well-known methodology of supporting Israel.”

She highlighted how the center selectively edited her clips and shared them with “a suspicious translation,” framing her episodes as promoting racism against Zionism.

Khelaly slammed MEMRI for falsely accusing her of “supporting terrorism” in Palestine.

She pointed out that MEMRI's social media posts, which mentioned her account, incited a wave of hostility against her, leading to violent comments and threats from influential figures in the United States and Israel.

She emphasized that MEMRI omitted important facts she mentioned about the genocidal war conducted by Israel against defenseless Palestinians, making the video clip appear as an unprovoked attack on Israel.

Epstein’s allegations

She also referenced an article titled "Asymmetric Justice in Gaza," written in May by American law professor Richard Epstein, who once described himself as "a rather weak, non-practicing Jew."

In his article published by the Hoover Institution, Epstein seemed to criticize Egypt's stance on rejecting the displacement of Palestinians to Sinai.

Egypt has consistently warned that Israel's attempts to compel Palestinians to leave Gaza for Egypt would undermine the Palestinian cause.

Epstein, however, remarked, “Egypt remains adamant in penning up the Palestinians in Rafah, which only increases the time, costs, and risks of military operations.”

Epstein also criticized the International Court of Justice for its ruling that Israel should withdraw from Rafah without thoroughly examining “Israel's justifications for its actions.”

Since October 7, the war in Gaza has killed over 36,000 Palestinians, with more than 83,000 others injured. The majority of the population has been displaced, and the strip teeters on the brink of famine.

Epstein mentioned Khelaly as part of the Arab press that "only speaks of the eradication of the Jewish state."

In response, Khelaly accused Epstein's article of inciting against her, as well as against the Egyptian and Arab press that supports the Palestinian cause.

"After conducting research, it has become evident that he (Epstein) has close ties to MEMRI, which is affiliated with the US Jewish organization," she stated.

Khelaly expressed her objection to "this incitement and these intimidating practices targeting me and the Egyptian and Arab press, in an attempt to silence voices in neighboring states that support Palestine."

She appealed to the Egyptian House of Representatives and Senate to convene sessions to discuss ways to support the press and media in Egypt and bolster freedom of speech, which stands in solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

Khelaly also called for the National Dialogue to address press freedom and the protection of Egyptian press voices from intimidation by US and Israeli media.



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