Egypt able to counteract any threats to its water security: FM



Thu, 30 May 2024 - 02:27 GMT


Thu, 30 May 2024 - 02:27 GMT

Sameh Shoukry, Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs and COP27 President-Designate- press photo

Sameh Shoukry, Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs and COP27 President-Designate- press photo

CAIRO – 30 May 2024: Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry stated that Egypt actively engages in multilateral forums addressing water security to assert its stance in accordance with international law.

He emphasized Egypt's commitment to collaboratin with regional partners and African nations sharing the Nile waters, aiming to uphold these principles and promote adherence to them.

Speaking to the Nile News T.V., Shoukry reiterated Egypt's unequivocal stance against any threats to its water security, emphasizing the existential importance of this issue. He affirmed Egypt's determination to counteract any endeavors aimed at undermining its water security.

Shoukry highlighted that President Sisi engaged in comprehensive discussions with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, covering various aspects of Egyptian-Chinese political, economic, and cultural cooperation.

He emphasized the cordiality of the meeting between the two presidents and underscored the robust political determination to sustain collaborative efforts across all domains.

The Foreign Minister said that President Sisi and his Chinese counterpart engaged in extensive discussions aimed at advancing bilateral relations and joint initiatives, with a particular focus on economic cooperation. Additionally, they emphasized the importance of enhancing Egypt's capabilities and securing Chinese support, particularly in expanding cultural cooperation and boosting tourism from China to Egypt, he added.

Shoukry highlighted the growing international calls for an immediate cessation in Gaza, citing concerns over civilian casualties. He stressed the urgency of achieving a ceasefire and mitigating the crisis's devastating impact on the Palestinian people.

He emphasized the collective effort to persuade the Israeli government to halt the ongoing conflict.

In his speech at the 10th China-Arab States Cooperation Forum in Beijing on Thursday, President Sisi added that issue of Arab water security represents a pressing concern that could escalate into an existential threat.

He added that for the past decade, Egypt has consistently urged the Ethiopian government to engage in sincere dialogue with Egypt and Sudan to achieve a legally-binding agreement that ensures the right to life and development for both current and future generations of the three nations.

The Egyptian President continued that it is crucial to emphasize that Egypt will not tolerate anything that “compromises or undermines the security and stability of our countries and our people."

Despite more than a decade of negotiations regarding filling and operating the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia have yet to resolve their differences regarding the dam.

Last year's negotiation rounds also failed, with Egypt attributing the breakdown to Ethiopia's persistent rejection of proposed middle-ground technical or legal solutions to safeguard the interests of all three countries.

In December, the Ministry of Water Resources underlined Egypt's close monitoring of the dam's filling and operation, while reserving the right to protect its water and national security in accordance with international charters and agreements.

As Egypt heavily relies on the Nile for its water needs, it perceives the dam as a threat to its already limited water supply.

Egypt and Sudan had strived to secure a legally binding agreement with Ethiopia regarding the GERD, aiming to safeguard their water rights.

However, Ethiopia has proceeded with dam filling and operation without their consent.




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