Immediate stop of war is a must, to maintain humanitarian conscience: AL Chief



Thu, 30 May 2024 - 08:44 GMT


Thu, 30 May 2024 - 08:44 GMT

Arab League (AL) Chief Abul Gheit - file

Arab League (AL) Chief Abul Gheit - file

CAIRO - 30 May 2024: Arab League (AL) Chief Abul Gheit stated that the continuous Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip for 8 months is a decisive point in the history of the region, pointing out to the deep frustration towards the inability of the international community to halt this aggression.

During his speech on Thursday during the inauguration of the 10th ministerial session of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, he stressed that "he immediate stop of this war is a must not only to save the Palestinian lives, but also necessary for maintaining the humanitarian conscience and principles of morals, justice and law."

Abul Gheit added that there are 35,000 Palestinians martyred, mostly women and children, adding that cities in the Strip were completely destroyed.

In his remarks, Abul Gheit raised a question: "What is the credibility of the international law in the presence of a state that places itself above this law?"

Speaking about the Arab League role, he explained that the AL is working for promoting stability in the region via attempting to contain the crises and reducing the regional escalation, he said.

He asserted the AL stance supporting the sovereignty and unity of China, and further underlined the AL's commitment to enhancing Arab-Chinese relations.

In this context, the AL chief lauded China's hosting of the forum, noting that the Arab world highly appreciates the Chinese development march.

He also voiced appreciation for China's constant interest in furthering amicable ties with the Arab League and its members.

"Today, we mark the 20th anniversary for establishing the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum which was established in Cairo in 2004, thus marking a leap in the history of ties between the two sides," he said.

Abul Gheit asserted that the quantum leap between the Arab world and China happened in the 1st China-Arab summit in 2022 that was held in Riyadh representing an important phase in the relations between China and the Arab world for the interest of both sides.

He pointed out to the efforts of both sides to implement all cooperation activities included in the executive program of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, especially those in the fields of trade, investment, energy, technology transition, satellite navigation, libraries, information, culture, civilizations dialogue, media, youth, human resources and others.

He urged to continue expanding and deepening of scientific cooperation via the current mechanisms and putting new mechanisms to be up to major promising cooperation horizons between the Arab countries and China which are reflected by the volume of trade between both sides which hiked from $36 billion in 2004 to $400 billion in 2023.

He asserted the keenness of the AL to exert every effort to build a promising future for the Arab-China community and find political solutions for important issues on the regional and international arenas.



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