Egypt prepares to send 700 trucks of aid to Gaza



Tue, 28 May 2024 - 02:18 GMT


Tue, 28 May 2024 - 02:18 GMT

Under the directives of the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, the Egyptian House of Zakat and Charity (EZCH) launched the 7th Help Gaza convoy- press photo

Under the directives of the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, the Egyptian House of Zakat and Charity (EZCH) launched the 7th Help Gaza convoy- press photo

CAIRO - 28 May 2024: A total of 700 trucks loaded with various relief supplies are prepared to enter the Gaza Strip from the Egyptian side, in support of the Palestinian people.


According to Rafah border movement data, the trucks are stationed in the logistical area designated for aid trucks near the Egyptian border with Palestinian territories in the Rafah region. These trucks are on standby, ready to move and enter Palestinian lands. Among these trucks, coordination has been made for 200 trucks to enter through the Kerem Shalom border crossing.


The data also indicated that in the past few hours, 154 trucks loaded with various relief supplies, including food items, entered Palestinian territories via the Kerem Shalom crossing.


The previous day, 123 trucks had entered through the same crossing, in addition to 4 trucks carrying diesel fuel, followed by the entry of another 6 trucks from the same crossing.


It is noted that the Egyptian Red Crescent is responsible for preparing the trucks and handing them over to their Palestinian counterpart, the Palestinian Red Crescent. Aid convoys to Gaza continue to flow into the city of Arish in North Sinai, with trucks arriving by land from various Egyptian governorates, donated by the Egyptian people to their Palestinian brothers in Gaza.


Arish airport and port receive planes and ships carrying various Arab and international aid, including food, supplies, fuel, and medicines.


Volunteers from the Egyptian Red Crescent unload these aids and transport them to logistical collection points and centers, where they are loaded onto trucks for transport to the Egyptian-Palestinian border, on their way to Gaza.



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