China Deputy FM: Growth of Chinese-Arab relations enhances peace, development in Middle East



Tue, 28 May 2024 - 10:04 GMT


Tue, 28 May 2024 - 10:04 GMT

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CAIRO - 28 May 2024: Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Deng Li stated that the growth of Chinese-Arab relations benefits the peoples of both parties, enhances peace and development in the Middle East, and establishes stability in a turbulent world.
This came during a press conference held by Deng and reported by the Chinese Xinhua News Agency, prior to the launch of the Arab-Chinese Cooperation Forum, which will continue until the end of this month with the participation of Chinese President Xi Jinping and a number of Arab leaders, led by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.
Deng pointed out that the China-Arab Cooperation Forum has already achieved remarkable achievements since its founding two decades ago, explaining that China's relations with many Arab countries have developed from a partnership to a strategic cooperation relationship and then to a strategic partnership, achieving qualitative leaps.
He added that the Arab and Chinese sides agreed, at their first summit in 2022, to build a Chinese-Arab community with a shared future in the new era, which confirmed the fact that Chinese-Arab relations have entered a new era of in-depth and comprehensive development.
He continued that, thanks to the joint efforts of the two sides, the strategic mutual trust between China and the Arab countries has been deepened; practical cooperation has enhanced tangible benefits for the two peoples; cultural and people-to-people exchanges have been further enriched, and positive progress has been made in building a joint Sino-Arab community.
Deng stressed that China and the Arab countries are important members of the developing world and that they bear the common historical mission of achieving national renaissance and accelerating regional development, pointing to the importance of strengthening Chinese-Arab relations to promote peace and development in the Middle East.



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