Hamas: Israeli video footage of torturing female soldiers another attempt to distort image of Palestinian fighters



Thu, 23 May 2024 - 05:00 GMT


Thu, 23 May 2024 - 05:00 GMT

Jabalia - Non-Stop and Heavy shelling- photo by Palestinian journalists in Gaza

Jabalia - Non-Stop and Heavy shelling- photo by Palestinian journalists in Gaza

CAIRO – 23 May 2024: The Palestinian Resistance Movement, Hamas, announced on Thursday that the video footage circulating on Israeli media, purportedly showing the capture of Israeli female soldiers on October 7, is fragmented and manipulated. The movement emphasized that the authenticity of the footage cannot be confirmed.


According to the movement, this clip is another attempt by the occupation forces to discredit Hamas fighters, following their failure to distort their image through previous fabricated narratives. These narratives, the movement asserts, have been proven false by evidence presented in various forums and media investigations.


Furthermore, the movement pointed out deliberate distortions and manipulations in the English translation of the clip, including fabricated words that were not spoken by any of the fighters appearing in the video, whether in Arabic or English. This manipulation, the movement argues, exposes the falsehood of the Zionist narrative at its core.


Some of the female soldiers displayed minor injuries or traces of blood, which are typical outcomes in such operations due to the chaotic nature of stampeding. However, the scenes did not depict any physical assault on any of them. Instead, they showed a dialogue between the fighters and the female soldiers without any signs of assault or violence.


“The treatment with the female soldiers adhered to the ethical standards of our resistance movement,” Hamas said, noting that no evidence of mistreatment has been substantiated despite their military unit's involvement in the killing of Palestinians and the deaths of hundreds of peaceful demonstrators along the Gaza border.


Recent pictures and scenes from the prisoner exchange unequivocally demonstrate the respectful treatment received by the female soldiers from the resistance in Gaza. This stands in stark contrast to the abuse and violence inflicted upon Palestinian male and female prisoners in Israeli prisons.


After AP said that Israel lied about the Palestinian resistance committing "sexual violence" on October 7, Hamas said in another statement on Thursday that the AP report stands as further proof of the fabrications spread by the occupation to vilify the Palestinian resistance.




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