High-level source condemns attempts to insult Egypt's mediation in Gaza crisis



Wed, 22 May 2024 - 12:59 GMT


Wed, 22 May 2024 - 12:59 GMT

FILE - Impact of Israeli shelling in Gaza in 2023

FILE - Impact of Israeli shelling in Gaza in 2023

CAIRO – 22 May 2024: A high-level source expressed Wednesday Egypt's astonishment about some parties' attempts to insult the Egyptian efforts deployed over the past months to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza Strip and bring an end to the bloodshed endured by innocent civilians.


The source added that some parties play a game aimed by levelling allegations against mediators – Qatar and Egypt - and accusing them of bias in order to evade making the necessary decisions.


The source underscored that Egypt was brokering a ceasefire and hostage exchange deal after continuous insistence to play that role given its experience, capability and competence in managing hard negotiations.


The source also criticized the use of anonymous sources in media reports labelling them "informed" saying that Egypt challenges those media outlets to attribute the information mentioned to specific official U.S. or Israeli sources.



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