Egypt welcomes Arab summit's endorsement of Enany for top UNESCO post



Thu, 16 May 2024 - 07:47 GMT


Thu, 16 May 2024 - 07:47 GMT

CAIRO – 16 May 2024: Egypt has welcomed the endorsement of the 33rd Arab Summit, hosted Thursday by Manama, Bahrain, of Egypt's candidate Dr. Khaled el Enany for the post of director-general of the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for the term 2025-2029.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid, in a post on his official account on the social media platform "X" on Thursday, described the move as a new crucial step toward supporting the Egyptian candidate who enjoys both the Arab and African support.

In February, the Executive Council of the African Union (AU) announced its endorsement of Anany's candidacy.

The election for UNESCO’s top position is scheduled to take place during the last quarter of 2025.

In April 2023, Egypt announced the nomination of Professor Enany for the prestigious UNESCO position.



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