President Sisi inaugurates historic Sayyida Zaynab Mosque after renovation



Sun, 12 May 2024 - 09:51 GMT


Sun, 12 May 2024 - 09:51 GMT

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and Sultan of the Indian Bohra Community Sultan Mufaddal Saifuddin witness the inauguration of Sayyida Zaynab Mosque after renovation – Still image/Presidency

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and Sultan of the Indian Bohra Community Sultan Mufaddal Saifuddin witness the inauguration of Sayyida Zaynab Mosque after renovation – Still image/Presidency

CAIRO – 12 May 2024: Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi inaugurated on Sunday the landmark Sayyida Zaynab Mosque in Cairo after the conclusion of renovation works.

The mosque is attributed to Zaynab bint Ali, the granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad. The mosque is believed to be built on top of her grave.

During the inauguration, President Sisi asserted that Allah has rewarded Egypt by hosting members of Ahl Al-Bayt (the family members of Prophet Muhammad) who sought safety and a place to settle in.

Sisi at Sayyida Zaynab Mosque 3

"Egypt has truly provided the safety and security they sought, and this is a blessing from Allah upon us," he stated.

Sisi said Egypt has a major plan to develop the mosques of Ahl Al-Bayt, the Companions of the Prophet who came to Egypt, and people of virtue.

He instructed granting proper compensations to families of households affected by renovation works at historic mosques across Cairo.

Sisi at Sayyida Zaynab Mosque 5


Sultan of the Indian Bohra Community Sultan Mufaddal Saifuddin attended the ceremony, along with his brothers, including Prince Qaidjoher Ezzuddin and his sons, including Prince Jafar us Sadiq Imaduddin.

During the ceremony, Saifuddin expressed gratitude to President Sisi, the government, and the Egyptian people for granting permission to rebuild this sacred shrine of Sayyida Zaynab, the daughter of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib and Sayyida Fatimah Zahra, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad.

“Sayyida Zaynab holds a significant place in the hearts of Muslims in general, and especially in the hearts of the people of Egypt, as she is the noble descendant of Banu Hashim, a knowledgeable, pious, chaste, and patient woman who sought reward (from Allah)” he said.

Sisi at Sayyida Zaynab Mosque 6

He added that Sayyida Zaynab chose Egypt as her residence, praising Egypt and its people, saying, “O people of Egypt, you supported us, may Allah support you. You sheltered us, may Allah shelter you. You aided us, may Allah aid you. May Allah provide you with a way out from every calamity and relief from every hardship.”

Saifuddin expressed his profound love for Prophet Muhammad and Ahl Al-Bayt and for all those who love them.

“I ask Allah, by the right of the Messenger of Allah and his noble household, to accept us,” he said.

Sisi at Sayyida Zaynab Mosque

He also prayed for Sisi's good health and well-being and asked for his success during his new presidential term.

He prayed for Egypt's people to have security, stability, peace, and prosperity, and for the protection of the Islamic Ummah from all harm and calamities.

The sultan expressed his appreciation for the efforts of various state institutions, particularly the Ministry of Awqaf, in serving the Mosques as the houses of Allah.

Shrine of Sayyida Zaynab



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